Luca Ferrix (NL)
Luca Ferrix (real name Luca Ferroglio, born in Turin, Italy, in 1983) is an Italian trance and progressive Dj, as well as an engineer, scientist, and landscape photographer.
He discovered electronic music when he was 16, thanks to a friend sharing with him tape mixes recorded in some of the major Italian clubs. At the time the Italian scene was well known for his renowned trance and techno Dj’s, that Luca soon started to appreciate.
Sharing his interest for music with his many other passions and hobbies, he meanwhile graduated and obtained a PhD in applied physics, and started working for some major companies as an engineer
Always interested in technology, he soon started to record his own mixes to share with his friends, while his musical tastes were developing toward a more progressive trance sounds.
With the need to share his love for music with his career interests (being a full-time scientist and engineer), he meanwhile moved to the Netherlands, where he eventually found surrounded by people and friends loving electronic music and festivals. That’s when he decided to put more energy into his passion: music is for him a way to share his feelings, trying to touch people’s emotions through his mixes.
Now trying to get to the next step, he is evolving into music production as well: he bought his first professional DAW, and he’s ready to learn how to put down those melodies and rhythms he had in his mind for years!