1Love DJ Team
Presented by JMe Faith/Carla Da Costa/Bad Inc/BoogieBlasterz
BoogieBlasterz 1st week
Jasper de bie (27) started making music at an early age and was a resident in a local disco from the age of 17.
in addition, he was also active in the world of parties and parties.
nevertheless, he always returned to house music and together with a friend formed the duo “just pretending”.
With this he ran throughout the Netherlands.
After 2 years, just pretending broke up and he got to know Hamid.
Hamid Yousefy (30) begon op zijn veertiende in een jongeren centrum met leren draaien en al snel wist hij dat hij thuis hoorde achter de draaitafels.
Op zijn 17de is hij in Engeland gaan draaien in een kleine pub/discotheek en heel snel stond hij in discotheken zoals Pam Pam en Cream Uk (nu bekend als Cream Ibiza) als resident DJ en heeft met gorte namen zoal Mj Cole, Dj Luck and Mc Nate gestaan.
OP zijn 23ste is hij terug gekeerd naar Nederland en heeft een tijdje niets met muziek gedaan totdat een vriend hem uitnodigde om op een klein feestje te draaien, Daarna werd hij resident in discotheek Friends in Woerden (wat nu Las Vegas heet).
In 2009 leerde hij Jasper kennen tijdens een feestje en meteen viel het kwartje bij hun beiden om een duo te vormen.
Kimani 2nd week
More info soon!!
Carla Da Costa 3rd week
Carla da Costa has her origins in Portugal and was born into ‘The Latin
Groove’ with her mother being a Fado Singer (Fadista) and a nanny who was
a radio DJ on the side. By tinkering with jingles she had recorded from the
radio she realy got a ‘feel’ for rhythm and timing. Constantly improving
herself with those recordings combined with her love for playing the drums and an obvious passion for music Carla became what she is today, a DJ-artist devoted to music.
JMe Faith 4th week
She started with vinyl and when the pioneers came she did not hesitate to start to play on the cdj’s which she has been doing ever since. She is an enthusiastic and energetic house dj & upcoming producer who brings charisma & energy to the clubs with her uplifting sets and choice of tracks. Her appearance and atmosphere she brings is not only warm, loving and fun but it gives a lot of energy to the party people by showing her crowd the love for music and the love for being a DJ. She performs at the hottest clubs and events and also rocks at several special gigs every year. Jme Faith is also an entrepreneur and not afraid to expand her horizon. She is always ready for more projects, collaborations and in her words ” to take over the electronic universe “.